WordPress Core that in some instances could allow an attacker to reset a user ’ s password and gain access to their account . Researcher Dawid Golunski of Legal Hackers disclosedVulnerability-related.DiscoverVulnerabilitythe vulnerability on Wednesday via his new ExploitBox service . All versions of WordPress , including the latest , 4.7.4 , are vulnerableVulnerability-related.DiscoverVulnerability, the researcher said . The vulnerability ( CVE-2017-8295 ) happens because WordPress uses what Golunski calls untrusted data by default when it creates a password reset email . In a proof-of-concept writeup , Golunski points out that WordPress uses a variable , SERVER_NAME , to get the hostname to create a From/Return-Path header for the password reset email . Since that variable , by its nature , can be customized , an attacker could insert a domain of his choosing and make it so an outgoing email could be sent to a malicious address , the researcher says . The attacker would then receive the reset email and be able to change the account password and take over . “ Depending on the configuration of the mail server , it may result in an email that gets sent to the victim WordPress user with such malicious From/Return-Path address set in the email headers , ” Golunski wrote . “ This could possibly allow the attacker to intercept the email containing the password reset link in some cases requiring user interaction as well as without user interaction. ” Golunski writes that there are three scenarios in which a user could be trickedAttack.Phishing, and only one of them relies on user interaction . In one , an attacker could perform a denial of service attack on the victim ’ s email account in order to prevent the password reset email from reaching the victim ’ s account . Instead , it could bounce back to the malicious sender address , pointed at the attacker . Second , Golunski says some auto-responders may attach a copy of the email sent in the body of the auto-replied message . Third , by sending multiple password reset emails , he says the attacker could trigger the victim to ask for an explanation , below , which could contain the malicious password link . Golunski saidVulnerability-related.DiscoverVulnerabilityhe reportedVulnerability-related.DiscoverVulnerabilitythe issue to WordPress ’ s security team multiple times , initially more than 10 months ago in July 2016 . The researcher told Threatpost that WordPress never outright rejected his claim – he says WordPress told him it was working on the issue – but acknowledged that too much time has passed without a clear resolution , something which prompted him to release detailsVulnerability-related.DiscoverVulnerabilityon the bug on Wednesday . Campbell said that it ’ s possible WordPress will patchVulnerability-related.PatchVulnerabilitythe issue , even if just for poorly configured servers , but acknowledged he didn ’ t have a timetable for the fix . Concerned WordPress users should follow a public ticket that was started for the issue last July , Campbell added . While there ’ s no official fix availableVulnerability-related.PatchVulnerabilityyet , Golunski says users can enable the UseCanonicalName setting on Apache to enforce a static SERVER_NAME value to ensure it doesn ’ t get modified . Golunski has had his hands full findingVulnerability-related.DiscoverVulnerabilityvulnerabilities related to PHP-based email platforms . He discoveredVulnerability-related.DiscoverVulnerabilitya remote code execution bug in SquirrelMail in January that disclosedVulnerability-related.DiscoverVulnerabilityand quickly patchedVulnerability-related.PatchVulnerabilitylast month and similar RCE bugs in PHPMailer and SwiftMailer , libraries used to send emails via PHP , at the end of 2016 .